Sunday, December 20, 2009

Java Tribe

The Javanese are the largest tribe in Indonesia. The Javanese is also the most influential tribe in almost all aspects of life. They have a vital role in many fields, such as government, commerce, education, entrepreneurship, agriculture and many more. This happens because Javanese is one of the oldest tribes in Indonesia. Javanese population numbered about 90 million and mostly live in the island of Java.

Island of Java
The Java island map
The Javanese also has a variety of cultures (example things about Java can be seen in the table at the end of post). These cultures is largely a relic of ancient Mataram Kingdom, the Kingdom of Mataram was once centered in the city of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). In addition, Javanese culture was also influenced by the legacy of the Majapahit Kingdom.

Javanese People
Javanese people creating "Wayang"
Characteristic of the Javanese is a gentle, hardworking and resilient. As one of the oldest tribes in Indonesia, the Javanese also had the most advanced civilization in Indonesia. This gives a big influence on policy making in the government of Indonesia. Presidents who have led the Indonesian government is also largely a Javanese people, they are Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesia's current president), Suharto, Gus Doer (or Abdurakhman Wakhid).

Javanese Dance
Javanese Dance
As well as the livelihoods of most of Indonesian, Javanese majority of their livelihood as well as farmers. But now, many Javanese which began to move their livelihoods as farmers, they are continuously started trying to become small traders, looking for work in Jakarta (Indonesia capital), entrepreneurship and labor for the company. This was triggered by a prolonged economic crisis.

No Javanese Its name in Javanese
1 Dances Srimpi, Bedhaya, Gambyong, Wireng, Prawirayuda, Wayang-Purwa Mahabarata-Ramayana
2 Languages Banyumas, Yogyakarta, Surabaya
3 Foods Mendoan, Gudeg, Rujak Cingur
4 Special Events (Traditional Ceremonies) Sekatenan, Labuhan Pisungsung Jalanidhi
5 Figures Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono, Kris Dayanti (Singer)

About Indonesia

Hello readers, welcome to Tribes in Indonesia. It's very predictable that the main content of this blog is about Tribes in Indonesia. But before talking about Tribes in Indonesia, would be relevant if the first thing to share is about Indonesia.

National Map Of Republic Indonesia
National map of Republic Indonesia. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country (island nation) and located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. The number of islands in Indonesia were 17,504 islands, with a total area of 1,904,569 km2. These islands stretch from the island of We at the west end up to the island of Papua in the east end. While the population of Indonesia is 231,369,500. It is positioned Indonesia as the 4th largest population country in the world after China, India and the United States. And most of the livelihoods of Indonesian people is farming.

Currently, Indonesia is led by a president named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. As the largest archipelagic country in the world and has a wide area, Indonesia has a variety of cultures, each of which has its own characteristics. This diversity is reflected in the belief, local language and others. And of course the diversity of ethnic-tribe.

The number of tribes in Indonesia is 489 tribes. The diversity of these tribes to be their own wealth for the nation of Indonesia. So this is Indonesia, the country with the tribes and cultures, which is very diverse. This diversity is the motto of the Indonesian nation, which is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" or Unity in Diversity or Different But Still One.